About the Author
About Diana
As I construct these lists, I am reminded of how full my life is and what extensive training for being a writer and photographer I have had from living my life fully. Even though there are times I feel lost, immobilized, or confused, I never lose the ability to see …a caterpillar clinging to a milkweed stalk, a full moon, an eagle soaring over the Missouri River, the glow in my childrens’ smile, the love in my husband’s eyes. I was taught to see every imperfection. Yet such scrutiny has also shown me the perfect detail of a snowflake or the emotional pain on someone’s face. What seemed an horrific curse has grown into a perpetual blessing.
I live a life filled with words. My parents’ somewhat annoying emphasis on proper use of the English language, stimulating household conversation, and a prolific love of reading, taught me that words matter and that using words properly and effectively, matters even more.
Thanks for stopping by.

Diana Morrow Howard
1950 – Raised in South Bend Indiana with 3 siblings, a dog named Skipper, and a cat named Mitsy.
- Romper Room (ages 4-5)
- James Monroe Elementary School
- John Marshall Elementary School
- James Whitcomb Riley High School
- Cornell College (B.A.) – English and Education major University of Iowa (M.A.) Masters in Counseling
Places Lived:
- South Bend Indiana
- Iowa City Iowa
- Sioux City Iowa
- Dakota Dunes, South Dakota
Places Traveled:
- Most of the 50 United States
- England
- Scotland
- Germany
- Austria
- France
- Russia
- Canada
- Netherlands
- Writing
- Reading
- Knitting
- Golf
- Walking
- Photography
- Hiking
- Cooking
- Listening to Music
Bucket List:
- Travel to South America
- Travel to Iceland
- Publish a volume of poetry
- Travel with my children
- Travel with my grandchildren